Thursday, December 9, 2010

John Lennon and Yoko Ono were/are Pro-Life

"Oh, I don't care!" says John at the end when Dick Cavett disagrees with him.

I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pro-life and Faith Communities Respond with Action to Carhart's Maryland Late-term Abortion Business - Christian Newswire

Pro-life and Faith Communities Respond with Action to Carhart's Maryland Late-term Abortion Business - Christian Newswire

I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

"Do Unto Others..."

Another reason Why I'm pro life is simple. Ever hear of the saying "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you"? When I was a grade school child in southern California, my 1st grade teacher in the public school I attended, had this posted in her classroom. It is actually an excerpt from the Bible. Gospel of Luke, chapter 6, verse 31.

You don't have to be old as I am now, to know that how you treat people is how you will find yourself being treated. If I was to agree that violently ripping someone from their home, or poisoning them with saline, or sucking their brains out while they were still alive, was right or good, then I can expect that someone else in my lifetime, is going to think this is okay to do to me.

Of course it would be worse for me, since I am now an adult.

I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.