Thursday, April 21, 2011

Papa Johns, Huggies, Vanguard DROP ads on Blog attacking Trig Palin .... AWESOME!!!

Now would YOU hurt this bebe and his parents? 
Not for anything!

I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Idaho Bans Late Term Abortions after 20 weeks.

Babies are more safe in Idaho ...

I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

Friday, April 15, 2011

One more New York Mom Stretched to the Limit.


The 10 year old boy escapes out of mini-van but is unable to save the rest.

I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Awesome article - "Abortion: Killing off More than the Unborn" by Theresa Bonopartis


I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

First donation of bebe things to ....

A woman at the chiro I go to who had her bebe girl even though she's not married - but she is living with the father who's of the Indian religion... I'm glad she's still pro-life.

Here's the photo of the items:
Bebe Car Seat Lap Blankie, sox and bebe flannel washcloths.
Presented this morning to the proud Momma of a bebe girl under six months.

I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fetal Pain Bills Sweep Across the U.S.


I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.