Monday, January 23, 2012

IN THE TITLE OF THIS SITE ... is the question - "Why we're PRO-LIFE?" and today I have yet another reason to post an answer to that question! It is especially relevant considering this is the American "season of Superbowl". The game of football and it's players get some particularly intense attention for several weeks, and I am one of many people in this country who "pay it". Currently there is much focus and broad publicity, on a particular quarterback with the Denver Broncos club, named "Tim Tebow", whose mother, against medical advice, did not abort him. Another young man named Michael Oher currently with the Baltimore Ravens, was featured in the movie "Blind Side", the oldest of 12 children, was adopted by a different family who were very helpful in his progress through school and into the National Football League.
Last weekend (January 15, 2012)on the cover of Parade magazine, possibly "The Best High School Player in Years?" - Dorial Green-Beckham was in the spotlight. This young man came from a troubled home as a teenager, and yet came into a situation, and people who have been able to help him rise above some hard things. I certainly applaud these young men in the choices they have made for themselves, that led them to the sport of football. I am thankful for foster parents and adoptive parents who opened their hearts and homes to children, not of their DNA. I also say again to, and for mothers who don't abort THANKS! Yes I thank you for the sake of the sport of football, but way beyond that, that you are a part of something so much bigger! You are part of a really big redemption story. A story of love. And I never thought about it much before, but you did something that God did with His son: you gave him to someone else to raise! See John 3:16 in the Bible. "For God so loved the world He gave His only BEGOTTEN son, that whosoever would beleive in Him, would not perish but have eternal life". Only Our Redeemer in heaven could "...cause all things to work together for good..." like it says in Romans 8:28. On page 9 in the Parade magazine, the article about Mr.Green-Beckham is titled "The Chance to Be Great". Mothers who participate in giving life to each infant they are pregnant with, is giving another person the "chance to be great". P.S. Jesus, "the Word became flesh" is free to all. If you need a copy of the Bible, send me your name and address, and I will mail you one: I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

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