Tuesday, September 13, 2011

" If one member suffers, everyone suffers with it. If a member is honored, all rejoice with it." 1 Corinthians 12:26 Like many other people last Sunday, September 11, I watched special programs of memorial on t.v. Some that stood out to me, were the children of the victims of the attacks. The particular children of my attention, were the ones who had not yet been born, when their parents were killed. It was not hard to see the connection of the unborn to their parents. The opportunity for them to honor their parents, and those who would dedicate themselves to a greater good in the future. Abortion - the killing of unborn children takes away these opportunities, so evidently illustrated in the words of these children who WERE allowed to be born. The morning of that fateful day, I with my children, were getting ready for school in my safe, warm house in Fairbanks, Alaska. But as I watched the unfolding terror on the t.v. in my bedroom, I began to fear what the repercussions of it might be, even though thousands of miles from the sites of the plane crashes. I wondered if I should keep my children home from school, and if there were more attacks to follow soon. Later I learned that all U.S.A. air space became restricted U.S.A.air space and much of Alaska was put in a bind, as people who depend on air transportation in bush villages, for food and medical transportation, were suddenly cut off. Hunters whose guides had left them out in remote sites, were suddenly abandoned until air travel could be re-secured. The ripple effect of the9/11 tragedies did indeed have a repercussion on us here, so far away. EVERY abortion performed in our country, on EVERY person, has far reaching repercussions. From the unwanted teen pregnancy, to the slaves in sex traffic, and all the politicians and "power players", who think that shedding innocent blood is somehow a good thing- THE TRUTH is, it's only adding sorrow upon sorrow. The guilt, the rejection, the physical pain and financial liabilities you hope to be free from, has now only begun to multiply! The context of the Scripture quoted above, was the apostle Paul addressing Jewish beleivers of Jesus Christ, in the city of Corinth, but it too has far reaching ramifications. Like the law of gravity, the law of "suffering with those who suffer", and "rejoicing with them that rejoice", reaches into the lives of every living person. I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way. PEIGI AINE A note *The link below is to an article called "Body Language", by Bob Diffinbaugh. It's only likely to be of interest to those who are studying Christianity, so I found it very largely helpful.

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