Monday, April 7, 2014

Why PEIGI is Pro-Life?

In a study I am involved with, a person raised the question of "how can it be good to bring a baby into this sin sick, polluted world, where "life has so many enemies", and how can we be so callous to burden the earth with another person to support?".

The answer came to me when I thought of many times in earth's history, there were less than opportune times to have a baby.  When Moses was born, the family of  Israel saw many of their smallest members slaughtered by the government, in a blatant act of legalized murder!.

Apparently it was still the perfect time for a baby who would first be saved, and then later work as savior to his large family-the Jews!

To a couple well advanced in years, well established in their lifestyle yet to a place of oppression a baby was born. This baby, about 6 months older than his cousin, was subject to the same progrom instituted by the political leaders to "kill all baby boys-2 years old and younger", but also managed to be saved and became the forerunner to the Savour of the World, Jesus of Nazareth.

I discovered that many times, under many dire circumstances, a baby was EXACTLY what God thought was needed. Speaking generally, babies are the embodiment of  "Hope".  Actual number of babies who threaten the life of their own mother while in the womb, are actually very very low, if they indeed  even truthfully exist! That being a debate for another time.

But truthfully, the parents are blessed to have children. Children are a reward. and

"No eye  has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those love him"
1 Corinthians 2:9

The Better-The Best-is yet to come!


I hope this causes you to think about the life of the mother and baby in a more loving way.

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