Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Former Director of Planned Parenthood is converted to Pro-Life


In the wake of Sanctity of Human Life Week, I wanted to call your attention to a powerful two-day broadcast we aired last Thursday and Friday, Leaving Planned Parenthood®. It chronicles the journey of Abby Johnson, the former director of an abortion clinic in Houston. ..."
The rest of the letter here: http://links.mail-family.org/servlet/MailView?ms=Mjg1ODI4OQS2&r=MTc1NjY0Mjc1OTcS1&j=ODI5MDYwNDgS1&mt=1&rt=0

These are radio shows - please take a chance to listen if you can.

Part 1: @: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/popups/media_player.aspx?MediaId=%7BDF144307-9C70-4EA0-8E29-DBDAB03B6AFD%7D&FAMILYTYPE=null&Tab=Shows&subcategory=DailyBroadcast
Part 2: @: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/popups/media_player.aspx?MediaId=%7BDB7ADDF2-2587-474F-BBE9-F559914EFAF6%7D&FAMILYTYPE=null&Tab=Shows&subcategory=DailyBroadcast

These are radio shows - please take a chance to listen if you can.

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